Anne Shirley's Play
11/12/12 09:14
Last night Bob and I did something a bit out of the ordinary. We went over to South Albany High School and watched a play put on by the students of “Anne of Green Gables”. The student playing “Anne with an E” was a great fit. She seemed to match the personality of Anne quite well. Bubbly and talkative. She had the red hair and pigtails necessary. She also looked and acted very much like Jasmine, Melissa’s daughter. She certainly seemed like she could be a big sister to Jasmine. One can get caught up in the illusion of bosom buddies, kindred spirits, Lake of Shining Waters, Diana Barry, Gilbert Blythe, Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert all over again. It was a pleasant evening…….one filled with memories of books holding girlish memories and adult joy of visiting Green Gables. Another view of Green Gables house with Bob near by.

A view of “Anne with an E” ’s room……….

A view of “Anne with an E” ’s room……….

Loafing-"You Didn't Build That" Redux
31/07/12 16:05
Having a sense of humor is so important. Especially in the current times where there is so much hostility, control, and nastiness. Abbott and Costello are the best of the best for me. “Whose on First” is the utimate comedy routine out there and my favorite. I watched their movies when I was a child whenever I could and will still set aside time to do so. One routine that seems to have escaped my purview was one they did on “Loafing”. It is hilarious and seems to fit in today’s world well with the problems with jobs, the economy, dependency by some Americans, and the lack of respect from our Administration for job creators and small business. Please watch the video and enjoy! (videos are under copyright and not viewable)

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Anne and Lucy
23/07/12 20:22
Why is “Anne of Green Gables” so fascinating and intriguing for people that there is such a cottage industry built up around the author’s childhood home? I have visited Margaret Mitchell’s home in Atlanta and while it gets a lot of attention, there is not nearly the people visiting nor the infrastructure surrounding it. Does Anne have a deeper grip on our inner person, do we relate more to her than Scarlett of Gone WithThe Wind? Or does Atlanta have so many other draws that drain away a lot of the interest in Scarlett, therefore Margaret Mitchell?I loved both books in different ways. Anne reached out to me as an only child with her forays into her new world and trying to fit in at home and at school. LMM’s relatives who maintain her legacy said she wrote in her diaries every day. The diaries are now being published over time slowly by her relatives. One could purchase the prior volumes at the homesite bookstore. I bought a small Anne figure for my desk and an interesting book of photos and writings of and about LMM there. The family autographed the book for me though I assume they do that for many people there. It is comforting to sneak a little bit of your childhood into your life.

Haunted Woods
22/07/12 20:39
Did you ever have a “haunted woods” in your area when you were growing up? When we visited the childhood home of Lucy Maud Montgomery in Cavendish, PEI, Canada, the trail to the visitors center lead through the “haunted woods”.

I grew up in the White Oaks neighborhood in Lebanon OR. It was a pretty middle class place though considered a nice neighborhood for the town. We had “The Loop” to ride bikes around and one part was a downhill slope. Was it cool to ride down this without hands on the bars and peddles. It always seemed a long way around “The Loop” and when you are older, the size is pretty diminished.
Just off the loop was a side trail that went into “The Big Oaks”. A person really needed to ride quickly through this dark set of trees and trails since the area was sinister by all our story telling in those days. Childhood imaginations, what a great gift to our too steady lives today.

24/06/12 21:42
I love Scotland and the Scottish accent. I have been to Scotland five times throughout my life and have enjoyed every visit. Today we went to see the animated film, “Brave”. it was funny and full of Scottish accents. The characters were exaggerated yet adorable. It made me long to visit the Highlands where one can see the Lochs and the Glens. They had no sheep in the movie so it was not true to life in every manner. At the end, the heroine, Merida, reminds us that we must face our fear by knowing who we are and what we want in life. We must be brave!

Edinburgh Castle in September 2008.

Edinburgh Castle in September 2008.
What do cats want to show us?
22/06/12 20:13
Today I had to get up and get myself together earlier than usual since I was scheduled to do a Housecall at The Oaks Assisted Living Facility in Lebanon. Grayson is an elder gentlemanly cat who lives with a couple at The Oaks. He had been given to them by a friend who takes care of a lot of strays at her home near by. The friend is a client I visit to give medical care to her strays. When Grayson had been given to them a few years ago, he was visited a week later by the friend to see how he was settling in. The elderly couple described how Grayson took her around the home step by step to show her each of his bowls, his beds, and special areas. Aren’t we lucky that cats want to share their life stories with us?